Use Ceiling Fans to Lower Your AC Costs

If you've been using your air conditioner day and night throughout the summer so far, you may have noticed something:That energy bill is really adding up! If this is the situation you're facing, there's little else you can do but to just not use your air conditioner as much. Now I know what you're thinking: "Not use my air conditioner? Then what's the point?"Luckily, there are ways that you can cut back on energy costs without having to compromise on comfort. One such method or Kansas City electricians recommend is to offload the burden from your AC by installing a ceiling fan, which we'll go into more detail on below.

Ceiling Fans

We all know that ceiling fans are supposed to help in the heat. You might even have one or more installed in your home already. What you might not know is how to use them in conjunction with your air conditioner.The go-to strategy for most homeowners is simply to run the ceiling fans for as long as they can stand it. Then, when it gets too hot for the fans to do any good, they resort back to using the air conditioner. But this isn't really a good method if your aim is to feel consistent comfort.Instead, the best method would be to run the ceiling fan at the same time as the air conditioner. You'd then start adjusting the AC thermostat to a temperature as close as possible to the outdoor temperature. If you take's recommendation of being able to find comfort at 78°F, you could effectively raise it to 4°F without feeling a significant change in comfort.Instead of simply waiting for the hottest part of the day to blast the AC, you can disperse very low AC usage throughout the whole day.

Why does this work?

It helps to understand that ceiling fans don't actually lower your home's temperature. Their job is simply to move the air around and create a sensation like that of a cool breeze on a hot day. It also helps in evaporating the sweat off your skin, which helps lower your body temperature and give you that cooling sensation.

What to Know Before Installation

In terms of aesthetics, you'll of course want to get ceiling fans that match your décor. An electrician in Overland Park, KS, can show you a wide selection of fans that would fit in with your current interior design, so don't hesitate to reach out and ask. There are also factors to consider like the size and material of the blades.When it comes to the actual installation, a ceiling fan installation is easier said than done. Fans can weigh up to 50 pounds, so you'll need to make sure you do everything to securely attach the fan to the ceiling. It also will involve cutting out drywall, finding a spot that will support it, and then doing all of the necessary electrical work to get it installed. If not done right, your fan can wobble right out of the drywall. We only recommend installing a ceiling fan with the help of a professional.

We’ll help you stay cool without the high costs. Contact MVP Electric, Heating & Cooling today!


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