Signs That You Should Switch to Ductless Heating

If you’re like most people, then you probably have a furnace as your main heating system. That’s just an assumption based on statistics—furnaces are one of the most common heaters in the country.If that’s true, then that means you’ve been relying on ducts to distribute hot air through your home. This is one of the best ways to supply your entire home with heating, but it does have some drawbacks. Instead of having to tell you what those drawbacks are directly, see if you can relate with any of the following scenarios:

Your Furnace Heats Vacant Rooms

Does your home currently have more rooms than it does inhabitants? A common reason would be if your children have grown up and are away at college or have up and moved out. The only problem is that you now have vacant bedrooms that are receiving heated air. Unfortunately, shutting the vent is not going to save your system any money (and it can even be harmful to the system—just ask any expert of HVAC services in Prairie Village, KS).With a ductless heating system, each bedroom can have its own air handler, with its own set of controls. You’ll only have to turn on the units to the room that actually need the energy. And the upside is that if that room becomes occupied again—permanently or temporary—no one will have to suffer in the heat or the cold.

Your Family is Constantly at Odds Over Thermostat Wars

You’ve probably been on one side of this scenario at least once: part of the family is in the TV room watching a new show. Another family member is in their bedroom or an office on the opposite side of the house. Due to the location of the rooms and the number of people in them, those rooms will not have the same temperature. This might result in one member of each party getting up to change the thermostat, just for the other to retaliate a few minutes later.Of course, you can always use diplomacy to set rules for thermostat usage, but it doesn’t change the fact that one temperature is not the best fit for every room or person in the house. A ductless system nips this problem in the bud by giving everyone their own controls.

You’ve Always Wanted Heating or Cooling in One Particular Room

If you have a ducted furnace, why would it ever be the case that one room does not have heating or cooling? It’s most likely because that room is an addition or it’s the garage. In these cases, it’s not feasible to connect ductwork to them.Extending ductwork to a new room can be expensive, and it’s actually against building codes to route a duct system into a garage. In either case—you guessed it—a ductless system can be your solution. You can even choose to keep the furnace and only install the necessary amount of ductless air handlers. The flexibility of these systems is what makes them so beneficial.

Does ductless heating sound like a good choice for your home? We can help you find out for sure. Contact MVP Electric, Heating & Cooling today to request an estimate.


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